Monday, February 2, 2009

Baby Names

Now don't anyone get excited. These aren't MY baby names. They're Sarah's! Again, don't anyone get excited, I don't want to start a nasty rumor. She's not pregnant. However, I have come up with a fantastic list of names for her future children. Now you have permission to get excited!

Boy names
1. Fleming
2. Earl
3. Wilfred
4. Hugh
5. Abelard

Girl names
1. Poppy (This name is set in stone to be bestowed upon her firstborn daughter. The rest of the list is for subsequent daughters)
2. Phyllis
3. Barbara
4. Dorothy
5. Piper

And there you have it! Ten wonderfully named children. You're welcome, Sarah! What are friends for?

{SIDE NOTE} So I was looking at baby names that celebrities have chosen, and boy you wouldn't want to be a celebrity's child! Some of the worst ones are:
Moon Unit
Peaches Honeyblossom
Pilot Inspektor
Diva Muffin
Find some normal names, you freaks!! These kids will be filing for independence as soon as possible so they can shed these horrible horrible names!!


  1. Bah! Who are these celebrities, I wanted to openly ridicule them! What were they smoking?!?

    P.S. I appreciate you naming my children. I will have to inform Sterling of your choices the moment he arrives home.

  2. What fabulous baby names! Well, not the celebrity ones, I'll have to agree with Sarah that they were probably smoking something pretty potent to think up those names! Want to make a list for me?

  3. Ha ha!! Sure, I'd be happy to name your kids as well, Janae! Just give me a few days to come up with some really good ones.

  4. You should join us over on babynames where we talk about (and gag) over names people have chosen.

  5. You know...after some thought, maybe that's not such a great idea. I know my first little girl will be named Gabrielle...and after that, I don't think I want the guilt of having to "forget" your...suggestions...if you want to call them that...haha

  6. Are you sure? I've conjured up some great ones...don't you want a daughter named Myrtle Wallace? Or a son by the name of Abner? Oh and these are not suggestions, they're set in stone. (Hear that, Sarah?) =)

  7. It's funny, because I find the name Myrtle very pretty on paper...but not when it's said :) Sorry Gabby.

    p.s. Where's the next post?!

  8. The best one I can come up with is Gromit Wallace. But that's only funny to me. And would only be funny for like a day. After that, no one would understand and the kid would be stuck with a dumb name.

    I hear ya gabs. These must be Janae's children. Moaning Myrtle and Abner (you've been watching Bewitched, haven't you?)

    Oh yeah, and sorry for not reading this post sooner...oops...

  9. Oh. my. goodness. Don't even worry Sarah, I laughed for like 5 minutes when I read that. You're not alone. Plus, wouldn't it be hilarious when he gets to get shirts where they say "Wallace, Gromit" on the back? I think so... :)

    p.s. I knew Abner sounded familiar! I should have thought of Bewitched the second I read it!
